Berichten over ETF's

Nieuws 18 december 2019

Tabula IM extends range of ETFs listed on Xetra

Lees meer over "Tabula IM extends range of ETFs listed on Xetra"

Nieuws 17 december 2019

BlackRock: EMEA-ETF’s blijven het goed doen

Lees meer over "BlackRock: EMEA-ETF’s blijven het goed doen"

Nieuws 13 december 2019

State Street: New ETF Servicing Arrangement with VanEck

Lees meer over "State Street: New ETF Servicing Arrangement with VanEck"

Nieuws 15 november 2019

BlackRock: Introductie eerste high yield ESG-ETF’s in samenwerking met a.s.r.

Lees meer over "BlackRock: Introductie eerste high yield ESG-ETF’s in samenwerking met a.s.r."

Nieuws 15 november 2019

ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe reached new record high at the end of October

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe reached new record high at the end of October"

Nieuws 13 november 2019

ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in US reached new record high at the end of October

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs & ETPs listed in US reached new record high at the end of October"

Nieuws 4 november 2019

ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Japan reached record high in September 2019

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Japan reached record high in September 2019"

Nieuws 31 oktober 2019

HANetf: Unique range of ETFs registered for distribution in the Netherlands and Finland

Lees meer over "HANetf: Unique range of ETFs registered for distribution in the Netherlands and Finland"

Nieuws 23 oktober 2019

Goldman Sachs: Launch of Chinese Government Bond ETF

Lees meer over "Goldman Sachs: Launch of Chinese Government Bond ETF"

Nieuws 27 september 2019

ETFGI: SEC Adopts New Rule to Modernize Regulation of Exchange-Traded Funds

Lees meer over "ETFGI: SEC Adopts New Rule to Modernize Regulation of Exchange-Traded Funds"

Nieuws 26 september 2019

Goldman Sachs: BNY Mellon selected for European ETF servicing

Lees meer over "Goldman Sachs: BNY Mellon selected for European ETF servicing"

Nieuws 20 september 2019

ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in US suffered net outflows in August 2019

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in US suffered net outflows in August 2019"

Nieuws 16 september 2019

LGIM: Disruptieve tech en innovatie toegevoegd aan thematisch ETF-assortiment

Lees meer over "LGIM: Disruptieve tech en innovatie toegevoegd aan thematisch ETF-assortiment"

Nieuws 13 september 2019

ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe suffered net outflows of US$7.86 billion in August 2019

Lees meer over "ETFGI: ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe suffered net outflows of US$7.86 billion in August 2019"

Nieuws 11 september 2019

ETFGI: US Vegan Climate ETF off to a promising start

Lees meer over "ETFGI: US Vegan Climate ETF off to a promising start"

Nieuws 9 september 2019

BlackRock: Uitstroom aandelen-ETF’s bereikt record in augustus

Lees meer over "BlackRock: Uitstroom aandelen-ETF’s bereikt record in augustus"

Nieuws 6 september 2019

WisdomTree: Launch of Cloud Computing Fund (WCLD)

Lees meer over "WisdomTree: Launch of Cloud Computing Fund (WCLD)"

Nieuws 6 september 2019

Amundi: ETF-belegger in augustus weer massaal uit aandelen

Lees meer over "Amundi: ETF-belegger in augustus weer massaal uit aandelen"

Nieuws 30 augustus 2019

State Street SPDR ETF’s: Negatieve rentes maken obligaties opkomende markten relatief aantrekkelijk

Lees meer over "State Street SPDR ETF’s: Negatieve rentes maken obligaties opkomende markten relatief aantrekkelijk"

Nieuws 21 augustus 2019

UBS: Eerste duurzame ETF die mijlpaal van 1 miljard euro overschrijdt

Lees meer over "UBS: Eerste duurzame ETF die mijlpaal van 1 miljard euro overschrijdt"

Nieuws 20 augustus 2019

ETFGI: Assets invested in Canadian ETFs and ETPs industry reached new record

Lees meer over "ETFGI: Assets invested in Canadian ETFs and ETPs industry reached new record"

Nieuws 14 augustus 2019

ETFGI: Assets invested in ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe reach an all-time high of 910.34 billion US dollars at the end of July 2019

Lees meer over "ETFGI: Assets invested in ETFs and ETPs listed in Europe reach an all-time high of 910.34 billion US dollars at the end of July 2019"

Nieuws 13 augustus 2019

ETFGI: assets invested in the Global ETFs and ETPs industry reached a new record 5.74 trillion US dollars at the end of July 2019

Lees meer over "ETFGI: assets invested in the Global ETFs and ETPs industry reached a new record 5.74 trillion US dollars at the end of July 2019"

Nieuws 12 augustus 2019

ETFGI: World’s first vegan-friendly and climate-conscious Exchange Traded Fund opens for trading

Lees meer over "ETFGI: World’s first vegan-friendly and climate-conscious Exchange Traded Fund opens for trading"

Nieuws 9 augustus 2019

Amundi: ETF-belegger kiest weer voor aandelen

Lees meer over "Amundi: ETF-belegger kiest weer voor aandelen"


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Aandelen, ALM, Alternative Fixed Income, Alternatieve Beleggingen, Alternatives, Asset Allocatie, Asset Allocation, Asset backed Securities, Azië, Balansmanagement, Balance Sheet Management, Bedrijfsobligaties, Behavioural Investing, Benchmark, Blockchain, Brexit, Britse Pond, China, Climate Chane, Collateral Management, Commodities, Credits, Derivaten, Direct lending, Dollar, Duurzaam beleggen, EMD, Energietransitie, Equities, ESG, ETF’s, Euro, Europa, Eurozone, Externe manager Selectie, Factorbeleggen, Family Office, Fiduciair Management, Fixed Income, Grondsroffen, Hedgefondsen, Hedge Funds, High Yield, Hypotheken, Illiquide Beleggingen, Impact beleggen, Impact Investing, Inflatie, Inflation Linked Bonds, Infrastructuur, Insurance Linked Securities, Long Term Investing, IORP II, Japan, Klimaatverandering, Kosten, Kredietcrisis, Lange termijn beleggen, Life Cycle Beleggen, Loans, MIFID II, Monetair Beleid, Obligaties, Onroerend Goed, Opkomende marketen, Pensioenfondsen, Politiek, Private Debt, Private Equity, Real Assets, Renminbi, Rente, Risicobeheersing, Risicomanagement, Risk Management, Securities lending, SME Loans, Solvency II, SRI, Technologie, Valuata, Vastgoed, Verenigde Staten, Vermogensbeheer, Verzekeraars, Vooruitzichten, Wet- en regelgeving, Yen, Yieldcurve en Zorgvastgoed. 

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