Financial Investigator

Column Jul 2, 2024

Bob Homan: Megacaps with mega fluctuations

Read more about "Bob Homan: Megacaps with mega fluctuations"

Column Jul 2, 2024

Probability & Partners: Views of DNB, the IMF and the BIS as ingredients for scenarios?

Read more about "Probability & Partners: Views of DNB, the IMF and the BIS as ingredients for scenarios?"

News Jul 2, 2024

DWS: Deze omgekeerde rentecurve voorspelt geen recessie

Read more about "DWS: Deze omgekeerde rentecurve voorspelt geen recessie"

Partner news Jul 1, 2024

Bevindt de waterstofmarkt zich op een kantelpunt?

Read more about "Bevindt de waterstofmarkt zich op een kantelpunt?"

News Jul 2, 2024

DNB: Op het gebied van datakwaliteit valt nog veel te verbeteren

Read more about "DNB: Op het gebied van datakwaliteit valt nog veel te verbeteren"

Column Jul 2, 2024

Harry Geels: Distressing difference productivity growth Europe vs US

Read more about "Harry Geels: Distressing difference productivity growth Europe vs US"

News Jul 2, 2024

Ocorian: European ESG regulation is proving to be a problem for North American...

Read more about "Ocorian: European ESG regulation is proving to be a problem for North American fund managers"

News Jul 2, 2024

Oxford Risk: Wealth managers need to focus on behavioural alpha

Read more about "Oxford Risk: Wealth managers need to focus on behavioural alpha"
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Financial Investigator

Year 16 - Issue 4

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading institutional magazine on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.


About Financial Investigator

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading knowledge platform on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.

With relevant content distributed both online and in print, seminars, round table meetings and other knowledge sessions, we focus on professionals working for pension funds, pension administrators, fiduciary managers, insurers, independent asset managers, family offices, investment consultants, supervisory authorities and other institutions involved in the Dutch institutional market.