About Financial Investigator
Financial Investigator is the independent and leading asset knowledge platform management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.
With relevant content distributed online and in print, seminars, round tables, meetings and other knowledge sessions we focus on professionals who work for pension funds, pension administrator, fiduciary managers, insurers, independent asset managers, family offices, investment consultants, supervisory authorities and other institutions involved in the Dutch institutional market.
On our website you will find an extensive database with relevant information in the form of news items, videos, research reports and articles.
Eight times a year the magazine 'Financial Investigator' is published and sent through controlled circulation to more than 7,800 readers.
Besides offering relevant content on our site and publishing our magazine, every year Financial Investigator organises various round table meetings, seminars and dinners. Important current topics are discussed here.
Jolanda de Groot
Randy Caenen, Michiel Cleij, Evalinde Eelens, Jack Julicher, Jacqueline van Leeuwen, Philip Menco, Marthe Tuinstra, Josephine van der Vossen and Marc Vijver