Financial Investigator

Round Table Report Sep 26, 2024

Ronde Tafel Zorgvastgoed - Deel 2: Portefeuillebeheer

Read more about "Ronde Tafel Zorgvastgoed - Deel 2: Portefeuillebeheer"

Editorial interview Sep 26, 2024

a.s.r. real assets investment partners: De meerwaarde van integraal portefeuillemanagement bij real assets

Read more about "a.s.r. real assets investment partners: De meerwaarde van integraal portefeuillemanagement bij real assets"

News Sep 26, 2024

AXA IM: Second-term Trump imposes risk of trade war between three blocks

Read more about "AXA IM: Second-term Trump imposes risk of trade war between three blocks"

On the move Sep 26, 2024

Meagen Burnett and Johanna Kyrklund appointed CFO and CIO of Schroders plc res...

Read more about "Meagen Burnett and Johanna Kyrklund appointed CFO and CIO of Schroders plc respectively"

News Sep 26, 2024

VanEck: Hoge goudprijs schept kansen voor mijnbouwaandelen

Read more about "VanEck: Hoge goudprijs schept kansen voor mijnbouwaandelen"

News Sep 26, 2024

BNP Paribas: Investors remain committed to thematic investing

Read more about "BNP Paribas: Investors remain committed to thematic investing"

News Sep 26, 2024

Ebury gaat samenwerken met kompasbank

Read more about "Ebury gaat samenwerken met kompasbank"

News Sep 26, 2024

LGIM: Met normalisering yield curve is risico op recessie niet geweken

Read more about "LGIM: Met normalisering yield curve is risico op recessie niet geweken"
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Events September 24, 2024

Seminar 'Balance Sheet Management & Asset Management for insurers...

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Financial Investigator

Year 16 - Issue 5

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading institutional magazine on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.




About Financial Investigator

Financial Investigator is the independent and leading knowledge platform on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.

With relevant content distributed both online and in print, seminars, round table meetings and other knowledge sessions, we focus on professionals working for pension funds, pension administrators, fiduciary managers, insurers, independent asset managers, family offices, investment consultants, supervisory authorities and other institutions involved in the Dutch institutional market.