Posts about Equity

Column July 6, 2021

Harry Geels: IPO-manie bereikt hoogtepunt met beursintroductie Robinhood

Read more about "Harry Geels: IPO-manie bereikt hoogtepunt met beursintroductie Robinhood"

News June 24, 2021

Ethenea: Wereldwijde belastinghervorming zal aandelenmarkten niet structureel beïnvloeden

Read more about "Ethenea: Wereldwijde belastinghervorming zal aandelenmarkten niet structureel beïnvloeden"

News June 21, 2021

Natixis IM: Europese aandelenkoersen stijgen verder in H2 2021

Read more about "Natixis IM: Europese aandelenkoersen stijgen verder in H2 2021"

News June 18, 2021

Invesco: Allocatie naar aandelen verhoogd, allocatie naar goud op nul

Read more about "Invesco: Allocatie naar aandelen verhoogd, allocatie naar goud op nul"

News June 16, 2021

Swissquote: Those who eat get fat, those who don’t regret

Read more about "Swissquote: Those who eat get fat, those who don’t regret"

Column June 15, 2021

Bob Homan: Zijn alle bedrijfswinsten houdbaar?

Read more about "Bob Homan: Zijn alle bedrijfswinsten houdbaar?"

Column June 10, 2021

Research Affiliates: Even titans fall

Read more about "Research Affiliates: Even titans fall"

News June 9, 2021

Mainfirst: Pas op bij beleggen in beursnieuwkomers

Read more about "Mainfirst: Pas op bij beleggen in beursnieuwkomers"

News June 9, 2021

T. Rowe Price: Beleggers te gretig bij overstap van groei- naar waardeaandelen

Read more about "T. Rowe Price: Beleggers te gretig bij overstap van groei- naar waardeaandelen"

News June 8, 2021

Swissquote: Lack of appetite on higher tax & interest rates

Read more about "Swissquote: Lack of appetite on higher tax & interest rates"

News June 7, 2021

Kempen: An investment process that’s driven by data

Read more about "Kempen: An investment process that’s driven by data"

News June 7, 2021

Ethenea: Wie wil er conservatief beleggen?

Read more about "Ethenea: Wie wil er conservatief beleggen?"

News June 4, 2021

Swissquote: NFP in focus

Read more about "Swissquote: NFP in focus"

News June 2, 2021

Intertrust Group: Amsterdamse beurs maakt zich op voor explosieve groei SPAC’s

Read more about "Intertrust Group: Amsterdamse beurs maakt zich op voor explosieve groei SPAC’s"

News May 31, 2021

DWS: Hooikoorts biedt beleggingskansen

Read more about "DWS: Hooikoorts biedt beleggingskansen"

News May 28, 2021

State Street: Rise in Global Investor Confidence

Read more about "State Street: Rise in Global Investor Confidence"

News May 27, 2021

Juno Investment Partners: Governance kan een familiebedrijf maken of kraken

Read more about "Juno Investment Partners: Governance kan een familiebedrijf maken of kraken"

News May 25, 2021

T. Rowe Price: Na een moeizaam jaar klaart de lucht op voor dividendaandelen

Read more about "T. Rowe Price: Na een moeizaam jaar klaart de lucht op voor dividendaandelen"

News May 21, 2021

BlueBay AM: Is Musk the true king of central banking?

Read more about "BlueBay AM: Is Musk the true king of central banking?"

News May 21, 2021

Swissquote: Nasdaq rebounds, Bitcoin struggles

Read more about "Swissquote: Nasdaq rebounds, Bitcoin struggles"

News May 20, 2021

MainFirst: Hebben we het omslagpunt van de digitale transformatie bereikt?

Read more about "MainFirst: Hebben we het omslagpunt van de digitale transformatie bereikt?"

News May 17, 2021

Amundi: SPAC-markt zal volwassener uit afkoelingsperiode komen

Read more about "Amundi: SPAC-markt zal volwassener uit afkoelingsperiode komen"

News May 12, 2021

Alger: Is Anyone Feeling Wealthier?

Read more about "Alger: Is Anyone Feeling Wealthier?"

News May 12, 2021

T. Rowe Price: What’s next voor waardeaandelen

Read more about "T. Rowe Price: What’s next voor waardeaandelen"

News May 10, 2021

Asset managers blijven positief over aandelen ondanks sterke rally

Read more about "Asset managers blijven positief over aandelen ondanks sterke rally"


Financial Investigator is the independent and leading knowledge platform on asset management and securities services for the Dutch institutional market.

As a professional working for a pension fund, pension fund office, fiduciary manager, insurance company, independent asset manager, family office, investment consultant, supervisor or any other institution involved in the Dutch institutional market, we would like to offer you relevant content.

In this news overview you will find all news items, semi-intellectual articles, editorial interviews, on the moves and round table and seminar reports from the past few years that have been posted on the website of Financial investigator.

On the right-hand side of the page you can search for relevant news based on a so-called category designation. For example, you can indicate that you want to see all news items or all on the move messages or all round table or seminar reports. By clicking on the round table reports section, you will get an overview of all round table reports from the past years. If you check the section on the move you will see an overview of all moves that professionals have made recently.

At the bottom right you can search by subject, just like on the other web pages. If you click on a specific term, all information about this topic as well as information about related topics will appear. We have made a selection of the most important topics of the moment:

Equities, ALM, Alternative Fixed Income, Alternative Investments, Alternatives, Asset Allocation, Asset Backed Securities, Asia, Balance Sheet Management, Balance Sheet Management, Corporate Bonds, Behavioural Investing, Benchmark, Blockchain, Brexit, British Pound, China, Climate Chane, Collateral Management, Commodities, Credits, Derivatives, Direct Lending, Dollar, Sustainable Investment, EMD, Energy Transition, Equities, ESG, ETFs, Euro, Europe, Eurozone, External Manager Selection, Factor Investing, Family Office, Fiduciary Management, Fixed Income, Land Rocks, Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds, High Yield, Mortgages, Illiquid Investments, Impact Investing, Impact Investing, Inflation, Inflation Linked Bonds, Infrastructure, Insurance Linked Securities, Long Term Investing, IORP II, Japan, Climate Change, Cost, Credit Crisis, Long Term Investing, Life Cycle Investing, Loans, MIFID II, Monetary Policy, Bonds, Real Estate, Emerging Markets, Pension Funds, Political, Private Debt, Private Equity, Real Assets, Renminbi, Interest, Risk Management, Risk Management, Risk Management, Securities Lending, SME Loans, Solvency II, SRI, Technology, Valuata, Real Estate, United States, Asset Management, Insurers, Prospects, Laws and Regulations, Yen, Yieldcurve and Healthcare Real Estate.

If you miss a subject or if you have an interesting article or white paper that we can include in our database, please feel free to mail us at