Programma van Seminar 'Beyond ESG and Impact Investing: from nice-to-have to must-have'

Seminar 'Beyond ESG and Impact Investing: from nice-to-have to must-have'

Op donderdag 9 september:
11:30 - 12:15 Lunch & Registration
12:15 - 12:25 Welcome & Introduction

Jaap van Dam, Principal Director Investment Strategy, PGGM, and Chairman, VBDO

12:25 - 12:55 Panel discussion on ESG as a ‘must have’: Regulation in Sustainable Investing


  • Zoë du Chattel, Supervisor Asset Management, AFM
  • Leonie Jesse, Associate Director Sustainability, Sustainable Finance, KPMG
  • Ernst de Klerk, Director Regulatory Consultancy, AF Advisors
12:55 - 13:25 A futureproof investment portfolio: How to incorporate SDGs in an efficient and effective way?

Hilde Veelaert, CIO, Head of Equities, ACTIAM

In less than a decade, the SDGs should be realized. How can investors contribute to this? How do you make sure that while trying to achieve (certain) SDGs, you don’t do harm in other areas?

Some examples from practice show what positive impact can be achieved, without doing harm and losing your fiduciary duty out of sight.

13:25 - 13:55 Panel discussion on Dilemmas with Responsible Investing through Selecting, Appointing and Monitoring Investment Managers


  • Ulrike Beyrich, Director, Manager Research Solutions Team, Kempen Capital Management
  • Raquel Criado-Larrea, Head of Sustainable Investments, External Manager Selection & Balanced Mandates, a.s.r. vermogensbeheer
  • Rishma Moennasing, Lead Funds & Sustainability, Rabobank Group
13:55 - 14:20 Coffee Break with sandwiches
14:20 - 14:50 Impact investing in listed equities

Sarah Norris, Investment Director, Global Equities Team, Aberdeen Standard Investments

14:50 - 15:20 Beyond ESG: From ‘How Does Sustainability Affect My Portfolio’ to ‘How Does My Portfolio Affect the World?'

Melissa Brown, Managing Director, Applied Research, Qontigo

15:20 - 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 - 16:10 Active Ownership: encouraging the transition to a more sustainable business model

Kimberly Lewis, Head of Active Ownership, Schroders

Active ownership, means not just looking at what investments are doing, but how they’re doing day-to-day. From the ongoing dialogue Schroders has with company management to the focused engagements where they ask for change, Schroders gains an extra dimension of understanding of a company’s operations and strategy. This enables them support companies as they transition to a more sustainable future sustainable business model – one which is more resilient and can support future growth over the long term. In this session Lewis will explore the key ingredients to building a successful engagement program.

16:10 - 16:40 Integrating the UN SDGs in Investments

Carole Crozat, Head of Fundamental Research, BlackRock Sustainable Investing, BlackRock

16:40 - 17:10 Panel discussion on ‘Next steps for ESG and Impact Investing’


  • Don Gerritsen, ESG and Sustainable Investment Specialist, Regional Head, PRI
  • Terhi Halme, Manager Responsible Investment & Governance, APG Asset Management
  • Aled Jones, Head of Sustainable Investing, Europe, FTSE Russell
  • Caroline van Tilborg, Carbon Asset Manager, Climate Asset Management (a partnership of HSBC and Pollination)
17:10 - 17:30 Financial Investigator Impact Investing Award Ceremony


  • Krispijn Bertoen, Senior Advisor Responsible Investment & Impact Investment, MN
  • Raquel Criado-Larrea, Head of Sustainable Investments, External Manager Selection & Balanced Mandates, a.s.r.
  • Piet Klop, Senior Advisor Responsible Investment, PGGM Investments
  • Wouter Koelewijn, Senior Advisor, GIIN
  • Dimple Sahni, Managing Director Impact Funds Portfolios, Anthos Fund & Asset Management
17:30 - 18:30 Drinks Reception