Programma van Supertrends en Disruptieve Innovatie in Vermogensbeheer

Supertrends en Disruptieve Innovatie in Vermogensbeheer

Op dinsdag 23 november:
13:30 - 14:00 Registratie & Koffie (indien live aanwezig)
14:00 - 14:10 Welkom & Inleiding

Door Gerben Jorritsma, onafhankelijk Investment Consultant, InvestmentEASE

14:10 - 14:40 De economische impact van geopolitieke trends

Door Prof. Dr. Rob de Wijk, Directeur, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

14:40 - 15:10 Decarbonisation is the largest investment megatrend in our lifetime

Door Veslislava Dimitrova, Lead Portfolio Manager, Equities, Fidelity International

Decarbonisation is the largest investment megatrend. Fidelity International will discuss the opportunities and threats.

15:10 - 15:40 Sustainable Global Cities

Door Tom Walker, Co-Head of Global Real Estate Securities, Schroders

15:40 - 16:00 Koffiepauze
16:00 - 16:30 China: Finding tomorrow’s winners today

Door Robert Secker, Portfolio Specialist, Equity Division, T. Rowe Price

Robert Secker, portfolio specialist on the T Rowe Price China Evolution Equity Fund, will talk to China’s economic transformation and how that has been reflected in the composition of the stock market. The corporate sector in China is incredibly dynamic with disruption commonplace, meaning today’s leading companies may not be market leaders tomorrow. It is his job to look through an incredibly deep and diverse universe, comprising over 5000 companies, in order to find those future winners today.

16:30 - 17:00 Paneldiscussie: Hoort cryptocurrency wel of niet thuis in de beleggingsportefeuille?


  • Bert Slagter, Oprichter, Procurios, en Oprichter,
  • Martijn Rozemuller, Managing Director & Head of Europe, VanEck Europe
  • Ralph Wessels, Hoofd Beleggingsstrategie, ABN AMRO
17:00 - 17:05 Samenvatting & Conclusie
17:05 - 18:05 Hapje & Drankje (indien live aanwezig)


Jan Dubach, Family Officer en Vermogensregisseur bij Crowe Family Office, Harry Geels, Investment Advisor bij Auréus, en Michiel Krauss, Adviseur bij diverse Family Offices, treden tijdens de bijeenkomst op als Q&A Expert panelleden.