Sprekers bij Lunch webinar discussie 'Fixed Income Factor Investing'

Lunch webinar discussie 'Fixed Income Factor Investing'

  1. Harald Henke

    Harald Henke

    Head of Fixed Income, Quoniam Asset Management

    Dr Harald Henke, Executive Director, has been with Quoniam Asset Management since November 2006. As Head of Fixed Income Portfolio Management, he is responsible for the performance and public image of Quoniam’s Fixed Income products. Prior to this, he was Head of Fixed Income Research, where he was responsible for the development of quantitative models for corporate bonds and interest rate forecasts. Harald studied economics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. He completed his doctorate at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder in the field of empirical market microstructure analysis with a focus on capital markets of emerging markets.
  2. Harry Geels

    Harry Geels

    Senior Investment Advisor, Auréus

    Harry Geels is Senior Investment Advisor bij Auréus. Daarnaast is hij Parttime Docent bij het Actuarieel Instituut. Hij is auteur van onder andere Beleggen met Technische Analyse. Geels studeerde Financiële Economie aan de VU Amsterdam.
  3. Mary Pieterse-Bloem

    Mary Pieterse-Bloem

    Head of Investment Office (CIO), Rabobank

    Mary Pieterse-Bloem is Head of Investment Office (CIO) at Rabobank. Prior to joining Rabobank in June 2021, she was a member of the Global Investment Committee of ABN AMRO and Head of Fixed Income at ABN Amro Private Banking. Pieterse-Bloem combines her prominent investment management position with academia: on 1st September 2018 she was appointed Endowed Professor Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics. She started her career in financial markets in 1993 and worked for Paribas, DrKW, Lehman Brothers, ING Investment Management (now NN IP) and APG Asset Management. Pieterse-Bloem has an Msc in Economics at the London School of Economics and holds a PhD from Tilburg University.
  4. Svetlana Borovkova

    Svetlana Borovkova

    Hoofd Quant Modelling, Probability & Partners

    Svetlana Borovkova is Hoofd Quant Modelling bij Probability & Partners. Zij heeft meer dan 25 jaar ervaring in het bouwen van kwantitatieve modellen voor risicobeheer, financiële markten en instrumenten. Borovkova is tevens Associate Professor Quantitative Finance and Risk Management aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In het verleden was zij Onderzoeker bij De Nederlandsche Bank op het gebied van financiële stabiliteit.
  5. Xavier Blaiteau

    Xavier Blaiteau

    Senior Associate, bfinance

    Xavier Blaiteau is a Senior Associate at bfinance. He joined bfinance in February 2017 as an Analyst for the Public Market team. Previously, he worked for two years for Lyxor Asset Management in the area of manager selection for long-only and liquid alternative strategies. Blaiteau holds an MSc in Finance from ESSCA, France.