Over Seminar 'Disruptive Innovation, Long Term Investing & ESG'

Seminar 'Disruptive Innovation, Long Term Investing & ESG'

Today’s interconnected global economy presents risks and opportunities. Relentless leaps in technology disrupt traditional social and economic foundations, heralding an era of rapid change and challenge. The speed and fury of technological progress today is forcing investors to reposition their portfolios. At the same time investors are increasingly focusing on sustainable investment strategies as a way to address ESG-related risks in their portfolios and seek for impact on recently introduced Sustainable Development Goals.

The fast-paced technological change and growing ambition to impact are putting immense pressure on investment decision-making. Our seminar on Disruptive Innovation, Long Term Investing and ESG seeks answers to questions like:

  • How to take advantage of disruptive forces like blockchain, big data, internet of things and climate change?
  • How do Disruptive Innovation and the rapidly increasing focus on Sustainable Development Goals influence the long term investment policy?
  • Can we rely on past experience and theories or do we enter new territories?
  • How can long term investors improve their agility in this age of disruption?

Let’s find answers on these fundamental questions inspired by opinion leaders in these fields and join us on November 8 2018 from 9am to 5pm!


8:30 am: Registration & Coffee

9:00 am: Welcome & Introduction
Jeroen van der Put, Board member, Pension fund Advisor

9:05 am: 'Macro-Economic Outlook for 2019’
Willem Buiter, Special Economic Advisor, Citigroup, Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

9:25 am: 'Outlook 2019; Navigating the cycle as a long term investor’
John Bilton, Managing Director, Head of Global Multi-Asset Strategy, JP Morgan Asset Management

9:55 am: 'Investment Case for Long Term Investing & ESG'
René van de Kieft, Chairman of the Board, Pensioenfonds PostNL

10:25 am: 'How innovation and technology enable investors to navigate an ever more complex regulatory environment and invest successfully in the long term'
Martin Mlynár, CEO, Corestone Investment Managers

10:55 am: Panel discussion on ESG & Long Term Investing
Michael T. Cantara, Senior Managing Director, Global Client Group, MFS Investment Management
Timothée Jaulin, Head of Supranational Entities Coverage, Amundi
Marcel Jeucken, Executive Director, Sustainability in Finance
Claudia Kruse, Managing Director Global Responsible Investment & Governance, APG Asset Management
Julie Moret, Head of ESG, Franklin Templeton Investments

11:25 am: Coffee break

11:45 am: Breakout session 1 (1st round at 11.45am - 2nd round at 12.15pm)

  • A. 'New market regime: Risks related to lower bond market liquidity'
    Christian Kopf, Portfolio Specialist, Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income, Union Investment
  • B. 'Multifactor and the Machine, investing in Artificial Intelligence'
    Boyan Filev, Co-Head of Quantitative Equities, Aberdeen Standard Investments
  • C. 'Big data, macro factors and the implications for portfolio constructions'
    Jay Raol, Director of IFI Quantitative Research, Invesco
  • D. 'Investing in solutions to worldwide environmental challenges'
    Marc-Olivier Buffle, Senior Product Specialist, Pictet Asset Management

12:45 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm: Breakout session 2 (1st round at 1.30pm - 2nd round at 2pm)

  • E. 'ESG data indispensable for a long-term macro-economic outlook'
    Kees Ouboter, Responsible Investment Officer, ACTIAM
  • F. 'Truths about indexing'
    Peter Westaway, Chief Economist, Vanguard Asset Management
  • G. 'Finding yield in a low interest environment'
    Frank Meijer, Head of Alternative Fixed Income, Aegon Asset Management
  • H. 'The opportunities from Industry 4.0'
    Alex Torrens, Co-Head of Research, Walter Scott (a BNY Mellon company)

2:30 pm: Coffee break

2:45 pm: Breakout session 3 (1st round at 2.45pm - 2nd round at 3.15pm)

  • I. 'Benchmark Issues and the Challenges of Measuring Success: an Unconstrained Approach'
    Richard Carlyle, Equity Investment Director, Capital Group
  • J. 'Investing Towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals'
    Trevor Allen, Client Development Manager, BNP Paribas Securities Services
  • K. 'The critical success factors for sustainable investing in Private Equity'
    Rainer Ender, Head of Private Equity, Schroder Adveq
  • L. 'Integrating ESG in Portfolio Construction'
    Margaret Stumpp, Senior Advisor, QMA (a PGIM company)

3:45 pm: Coffee break

4:00 pm: 'Fiduciary duty in the context of climate change'
Haruko Koide, Senior Investment Officer, IFC-International Finance Corporation

4:30 pm: 'The urgency of CO2 reduction requires a clean energy transition today'
Kees Koolen, Chairman of the Board, Lithium Werks

4:45 pm: Panel discussion on Disruptive Innovation & Long term Investing
Jack Julicher, Chief Investment Officer, a.s.r. vermogensbeheer
Coos Luning, Chief Investment Officer, TKP Investments
Gideon Smith, Chief Investment Officer, Rosenberg Equities (an AXA Investment Managers company)
Kees Verbaas, Chief Investment Officer, Altis Investment Management

5:15 pm: Summary & Conclusion

5:20 pm: Drinks & Networking Reception