GlobalData: UK startup ecosystem stays globally prominent

GlobalData: UK startup ecosystem stays globally prominent

Verenigd Koninkrijk

Amidst a decline in year-on-year (YoY) startup venture capital (VC) funding, the UK’s entrepreneurial ecosystem remains resilient, retaining its influential position globally despite market fluctuations.

With $1.4 billion raised across 152 deals in the first two months of 2024, the UK sustains its prominence in Europe's venture capital landscape, showcasing adaptability and enduring appeal amidst changing market dynamics, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

An analysis of GlobalData’s Deals Database reveals that the UK witnessed 35.9% drop in VC deal volume and the corresponding deal value fell by 39% YoY. In the first two months of 2023, the UK saw 237 deals, amounting to $2.4 billion in disclosed funding value.

Aurojyoti Bose, Lead Analyst at GlobalData, comments: 'Although there was a decline, the UK remains a key force in the European VC funding landscape. It was the only European market to touch the triple-digit deal volume during January-February 2024. Moreover, it is also a key global market and ranked among the top five countries in terms of deal volume as well as value during the review period.'