MPG: Institutional investors are focusing more on yield than growth

MPG: Institutional investors are focusing more on yield than growth

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Vermogen groei winst beleggen

Institutional investors and wealth managers are turning their focus to yield as opposed to growth in response to the changing geo-political and macroeconomic environment, new research from Managing Partners Group (MPG), the international asset management company, shows.

Around 80% questioned in the study with pension funds, insurers, family offices and wealth managers worldwide with assets of €107 billion under management say their funds will increase their focus on yield over the next 12 months with 11% saying there will be a dramatic increase in the focus on yield.

The professional investors expect yields in the fixed income sector and allocations to the sector to increase over the next 12 months but are less positive on the next six months, the research found. Around three out of four (72%) expect yields in the fixed income sector in general to rise over the next 12 months with 9% predicting a dramatic increase. Up to 74% expect allocations to fixed income assets to rise over the same period with 22% predicting a dramatic increase in allocations, the study by MPG which runs the Melius Fixed Income Fund found.

Nearly half (45%) say the funds they manage are under-exposed to fixed income currently with just 9% believing they are over-exposed and 46% estimating they have the right level of exposure.