Programma van Seminar 'How to position your portfolio for 2024 and beyond'

Seminar 'How to position your portfolio for 2024 and beyond'

Op donderdag 9 november:
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch & Registration
12:30 - 12:40 Welcome & Introduction

By Bob Homan, CIO, ING Investment Office

12:40 - 13:10 Macro & Market Outlook

By James Ashley, Head of International Market Strategy & Head of Strategic Advisory Solutions EMEA + Asia, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

13:10 - 13:40 Propositions and discussion on the Outlook for 2024 and beyond

Panel discussion with:

  • Luc Aben, Chief Economist, Van Lanschot Kempen
  • James Ashley, Head of International Market Strategy & Head of Strategic Advisory Solutions EMEA + Asia, Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  • Lukas Daalder, Chief Investment Strategist, BlackRock

13:40 - 14:10 Taking a differentiated approach to your EM Equity allocation: Focusing on Innovation

By Steve Weeple, Client Portfolio Manager, Global and Emerging Market Equity, Janus Henderson Investors

While many of the headlines around the EM Equity asset class focus on volatile geopolitics, corporate governance concerns, and lagging relative performance, experts at Janus Henderson see an exciting driver of future investment returns that is being lost amongst this noise. Across the Emerging Markets there is an explosion in innovation and a shift from laggard to leader in developing innovative, and EM-centric, business models. What is also exciting is how many of these businesses are specifically addressing the environmental and social frictions that exist across the EMs. Steve Weeple, CPM on the firm's Emerging Market Equity strategy, will dig deeper into what is driving this new pillar of economic returns, and how investors can access them.

14:10 - 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 - 15:00 Private Equity outlook: The six investment themes to focus on

By Richard Damming, Head of Private Equity Investments Europe, Schroders Capital

We are going through a historical shift - changes in geopolitics, changes in the engines of economic growth, a global energy transition and changes in social dynamics. Against the backdrop of this context, Richard Damming focuses on 6 investment themes accessible through private equity – Healthcare, technology & innovation, buy & build strategies, US and Europe/UK, China and India, and sustainability & impact. Join this session to learn more about the outlook for private equity and our expectations for 2024.

15:00 - 15:30 Outlook for (Sustainable Investing in) Private Equity for 2024 and beyond

Panel discussion with:

  • Jacqueline van den Ende, Co-Founder & CEO, Carbon Equity
  • Tjarda Molenaar, Managing Director, NVP
  • Koen Ronda, Head of Private Markets Investments, IBS Capital Management
  • Duanice Verberkmoes, Portfolio Manager Private Equity, Blue Sky Group
15:30 - 15:50 Coffee Break
15:50 - 16:20 Navigating inflation and rising rates across alternative credit

By Christophe Fritsch, Global Head of Alternative Credit, AXA IM Alts

Christophe Fritsch will give his latest insights about the investment opportunities offered by the Alternative Credit market in an environment disrupted by persistent inflation and higher interest rates.

16:20 - 17:00 Outlook for (Private) Debt Markets for 2024 and beyond

Panel discussion with:

  • Andreas Klein, Head of Private Debt, Pictet Asset Management
  • Roy Kroon, Team Lead Credit Investments, PGB Pensioendiensten
  • Niels Las, Associate Director Credit Risk Sharing Investment, PGGM Investments
  • Lalantika Medema, Alternative Credit Strategist, PIMCO
17:00 - 17:30 How to position your portfolio for 2024 and beyond

CIO Panel discussion with:

  • Thomas Heidstra, Director Investments, Univest Company
  • Olaf van den Heuvel, CIO NL & Global Head Multi Asset and Solutions, Aegon Asset Management
  • Rob van Wechem, Head of Tailor Made Solutions, Bank ten Cate & Cie
  • Wouter Weijand, CIO, Providence Capital
17:30 - 18:30 Drinks reception


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