Sprekers bij Lunch Webinar Discussie 'Trade Finance'

Lunch Webinar Discussie 'Trade Finance'

  1. David Newman

    David Newman

    CIO, Head of Global High Yield, Allianz Global Investors

    David Newman is a CIO within Allianz Global Investors’ Fixed Income team. He manages traditional Global High Yield, Emerging Market Corporate and Global Multi Asset Credit portfolios and has been responsible for these strategies since inception. Newman also co-manages our trade finance strategy and he spearheaded AllianzGI’s approach to trade finance. Previously, he was Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income Credit Research and Co-Head Credit Trading at Citigroup. Prior to that, he was Head of High Yield Credit Research at UBS. Newman holds an MBA with Cass Business School in the UK and a BA with honours in Geography from University College London in the UK.
  2. Harry Geels

    Harry Geels

    Senior Investment Advisor, Auréus

    Harry Geels is Senior Investment Advisor bij Auréus. Daarnaast is hij Parttime Docent bij het Actuarieel Instituut. Hij is auteur van onder andere Beleggen met Technische Analyse. Geels studeerde Financiële Economie aan de VU Amsterdam.
  3. Paul van Gent

    Paul van Gent

    Member Investment Committees en RvT (freelance)

    Paul van Gent is onafhankelijk Lid van verschillende Beleggingscommissies. Tot maart 2020 was Van Gent Hoofd Impact Investing and Special Projects bij Corestone Investment Managers en lid van het Investeringscomité. Eerder was van Gent verantwoordelijk voor Manager Selection bij PME, het Nederlandse bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor de metaalindustrie. Voordat hij bij PME in dienst trad, was hij hoofd Investment Consulting en verantwoordelijk voor de selectie van externe vermogensbeheerders voor de IBM-pensioenfondsen in de EMEA-regio. Van Gent is Bedrijfskundige, afgestudeerd aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
  4. Thibault Sandret

    Thibault Sandret

    Senior Director, Private Markets, bfinance

    Thibault Sandret leads Private Debt Research at bfinance, bringing more than fifteen years of credit-oriented experience. Before joining the firm in early 2019, he spent over a decade in banking across various corporate debt structuring, origination and advisory roles. Having started his career in Acquisition Finance at BNP Paribas and Barclays, Sandret then moved to Debt Capital Markets at BNP Paribas and Lloyds Bank, before leveraging this dual background in a Debt Advisory role at Centrus Advisors. Sandret is a graduate of ESSEC Business School (French Grande Ecole), and more recently became a Certified Expert in Climate & Renewable Energy Finance (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management).

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