Julian Plag on the tight labour market: 'Challenging environment is important to me'

This interview was originally written in Dutch. This is an English translation.
Although the labour squeeze eased slightly in the second half of last year, unemployment in the Netherlands has been at historically low levels for some time. And according to forecasts, the tightness will continue for some time. After all, the growth of the labour force will decline sharply in the coming decades due to an ageing population. What do young professionals who have only recently entered the sector notice about the labour shortage? Financial Investigator discussed this with Julian Plag, Analyst, EMEA Institutional Client Business at BlackRock.
How are you affected by the tight labour market?
'When I started at BlackRock in 2024, I had applied to many other companies. It was a challenging period because I regularly heard nothing back. A striking example was an international bank that only let me know eight months after my application that I hadn't got the job. This illustrated to me how difficult it can be to find a job.
Nowadays I see that friends and acquaintances, despite their bachelor's and master's degrees, have a lot of trouble finding a job or an internship. This emphasises how competitive the labour market is and how important it is not only to have a good education, but also to gain relevant experience and network as much as possible.'
What makes working in the asset management sector appealing to you?
'The challenging environment, in which I can continuously learn and grow, is particularly important to me. In addition, the sector is constantly changing, with new developments and trends in the field of private markets and the pension transition, which require adaptability and innovative solutions. This keeps the work fascinating and varied.
I also find it rewarding to see how the sector helps clients achieve their financial goals. The personal aspect of the work, where long-term relationships with clients are built, makes it extra special.
Finally, the asset management sector offers excellent career opportunities. There are many opportunities for professional growth and development, both in my current role and in other positions within BlackRock.'