GDF: Almost 90% of major financial institutions plan to use deposit tokens or CBDCs

GDF: Almost 90% of major financial institutions plan to use deposit tokens or CBDCs

Blockchain (01)

Great majority of major financial institutions already handle real-world digital assets.

Most major financial institutions already handle real-world digital assets, as tokenization moves from being an innovation to a part of the mainstream, concludes Global Digital Finance (GDF) from own research.

The study with firms in the US, Asia, Europe and the Middle East responsible for more than $ 221 billion assets under management says 91% of these handle real world digital assets, such as digital or tokenized securities or commodities, and those who have not done so plan to in the future, with 100% of respondents intending on doing so if they do not already.

‘The 91% are most likely to have handled tokenised corporate debt, alternative funds and sovereign debt.’ ‘Nearly nine out of 10 (87%) questioned said they plan to use deposit tokens or Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDCs. Currently firms rely on other cash leg solutions, with 57% of firms deploying stablecoins and 66% deploying proprietary coins to on and off ramp.’ ‘The research highlights a movement in RWA tokenization from PoC to production’.