Schedule of Seminar ‘How to create Impact via Public & Private Markets in Energy Transition, Natural Capital & Biodiversity?'

Seminar ‘How to create Impact via Public & Private Markets in Energy Transition, Natural Capital & Biodiversity?'

On Tuesday 15 April:
9:45 - 10:30 Coffee & Registration
10:30 - 10:40 Welcome & Introduction

Nikki Trip, Consultant and Sustainability Specialist, AF Advisors

10:40 - 11:10 Keynote speech

Brenda Kramer, Executive Director, Sustainable Finance Lab

11:10 - 11:40 Natural Capital & Biodiversity in Practice

Jeroen Bos, Global Head of Equity, AXA Investment Managers 

To set the scene, Jeroen Bos, Global Head of Equity at AXA Investment Managers, will discuss several different options to integrate biodiversity aspects in investment portfolio’s, both for public and private investments. Options that will be discussed include investing to lower footprint and portfolio risk, investing in solutions to facilitate the transition to a more biodiversity friendly society, investing in natural capital as well as integrating biodiversity insights into security selection, portfolio construction and active ownership.

11:40 - 12:10 Natural Capital and Biodiversity

Nick Moss, Head of Nature Based Solutions, Nuveen Natural Capital

Nature based solutions aim to enhance the environmental and social value of natural capital assets. This allows for value recognition for more than just timber and crops but provides the potential to enhance returns and diversify revenues for forest and farmland management activities that produce quantifiable ecosystem service values. Natural capital and the development of Nature Based Solutions are benefitting from powerful industry tailwinds. Increasingly there is growing market and demand side trends that will contribute to the market growth for Natural Capital and Nature Based Solutions.

In a broader portfolio context, natural capital and nature based solutions investment offers a number of benefits, including:

  • improve on the overall risk return profile of a portfolio through portfolio diversification
  • a hedge against inflation
  • attractive total returns.
12:10 - 12:45 Lunch including 'Meet the Expert' sessions
12:45 - 13:15 The energy transition beyond Renewables

Herman Gelauff, Head of Portfolio Management, MT-member, a.s.r. real assets investment partners

ESG & climate change is one of the major fundamental drivers of investments in the infrastructure market. To implement this theme in investment portfolios, there are increasingly more investment opportunities. Of course, this can be done through now relatively widely accepted investments in renewables such as wind and solar parks, but a.s.r. real assets investment partners believes that there are more attractive opportunities.

13:15 - 14:00 Case studies: Impact via Public Markets

1.15 pm: Case Study 1
Xander Urbach, Senior Advisor Responsible Investment, MN

1.30 pm: Case Study 2
Rosemarijn van der Meij, Fund Manager Sustainable Investments, ASN Impact Investors

1.45 pm: Case Study 3: Biodiversity as a Growth and Impact Driver
Adrien Cambonie, Portfolio Manager, Impact Analyst, UBP

14:00 - 14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 - 14:45 Biodiversity investing in fixed income: How to look at labelled and unlabelled bonds through a biodiversity lens.

Isobel Edwards, VP, Global Head of Green, Social, and Impact Bond Research, Goldman Sachs AM

14:45 - 15:15 Panel discussion on how to prioritize, link and implement Biodiversity & Climate in your investment portfolio, with:
  • Bert Kramer, Head of Climate Research, Climate Scenarios & Sustainability, Ortec Finance
  • Marjolein MeulensteenSenior Portfoliomanager Sustainable Investing, a.s.r. vermogensbeheer
  • Cherry Muijsson,CIO, BlackRock
  • Daan de Zwart, Investment Strategist, pension fund Rail & OV
15:15 - 15:45 Powering change: investing in the energy transition

Rosie French, Head of Sustainability, Schroders Greencoat & Jamie Milne, Investor Relations, Schroders Greencoat

Energy transition assets are crucial for decarbonising the grid, powering demand such as data centres and reducing emissions in high carbon industries such as aviation, agri-chemical and shipping. Climate change mitigation and the pathway to net zero demand significant reductions in carbon emissions across all sectors. In this presentation, Rosie French and Jamie Milne will discuss how private market investment in the sector can drive net zero. They will highlight innovative projects and showcase successful collaborations that advance the journey to a decarbonised economy. 

15:45 - 16:15 Coffee break including 'Meet the Expert' sessions
16:15 - 16:45 Case studies: Impact via Private Markets

4.15 pm: Case Study 4
Aida Giniyatullina, Senior Portfolio Manager Private Debt, NN Group

4.30 pm: Case Study 5
Jan Bertus Molenkamp, Co-Founder, Impact Orange Partners

16:45 - 17:10 Q&A Impact via Public Markets/Private Markets, with:
  • Adrien Cambonie, Portfolio Manager, Impact Analyst, UBP
  • Aida Giniyatullina, Senior Portfolio Manager Private Debt, NN Group
  • Rosemarijn van der Meij, Fund Manager Sustainable Investments, ASN Impact Investors
  • Jan Bertus Molenkamp, Co-Founder, Impact Orange Partners
  • Xander Urbach, Senior Advisor Responsible Investment, MN
17:10 - 18:00 Closing & Drinks Reception