Speakers at Seminar 'Balansmanagement en Vermogensbeheer voor Verzekeraars'

Seminar 'Balansmanagement en Vermogensbeheer voor Verzekeraars'

  1. Colin Greene

    Colin Greene

    Head of Private Debt Team, UBP

    Colin Greene is Head of Private Debt Team at UBP. In 2015, he joined ACPI, which was acquired by UBP SA in December 2018. Prior to that he spent 6 years in hedge funds, including Tudor Investment Corporation where he valued and recovered distressed and defaulted private loans, arising from the sub prime financial crisis. Previously, Greene worked for investment banks in structured finance, including Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank.
  2. Gerard Moerman

    Gerard Moerman

    Head of Fixed Income, LDI and Investment Solutions, Aegon Asset Management

    Gerard Moerman, PhD, is Head of Fixed Income, LDI and Investment Solutions. His team is responsible for managing core fixed income strategies and advising and implementing matching solutions. Prior to his current role, he headed the fiduciary services & investment solutions team focusing on balance sheet related topics. From 2016 to 2018, Moerman was Head of Investment Solutions at La Banque Postale AM, a partner of Aegon AM. He joined the firm in 2005 as a portfolio manager focusing on tactical asset allocation and commodities strategies. In 2011, he was appointed Head of Rates and Money Markets. Moerman holds a Master’s degree in econometrics and a PhD in finance, both from Erasmus University Rotterdam. During his PhD he also worked for the European Central Bank in 2003.
  3. Hadrien Sag

    Hadrien Sag

    Insurance Specialist EMEA, Allianz Global Investors

    Hadrien Sag is Insurance Specialist EMEA at Allianz Global Investors. Sag, who joined AllianzGI in 2018, provides insurance investment expertise and supports the EMEA regional development strategy as part of Allianz Insurance Asset Management (AIAM). Based in Paris, he focuses on the specific ALM, capital management, accounting, ESG and regulatory needs of third party insurance clients in Europe to define tailor-made solutions. Sag previously worked for 7 years for the investment management of Generali before joining the Insurance Investment practice of Ernst & Young Advisory as Manager for 2 years.
  4. Jack Julicher

    Jack Julicher

    Bestuurslid NAB

    Jack Julicher is treasurer of NAB on impact investing, interim chair of the financial sector Dutch climate commitment, and supervisory board member of Meijers Assurantiën. Previously, he was Chief Executive Officer of a.s.r. vermogensbeheer and Chief Investment Officer of a.s.r. Nederland. Julicher has more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector. Before joining a.s.r. vermogensbeheer in 2003, he worked at the Ministry of Finance, the Nationale Investeringsbank and Stad Rotterdam Verzekeringen/ASR Bank. Julicher studied macroeconomics and finance at Tilburg University and the IMF Institute.
  5. Maurice Kraaijenbrink

    Maurice Kraaijenbrink

    Head of Portfolio Design in Solutions & Client Advisory - Multi Asset, Quantitative & Solutions, BNP Paribas Asset Management

    Maurice Kraaijenbrink is Head of Portfolio Design in Solutions & Client Advisory - Multi Asset, Quantitative & Solutions bij BNP Paribas Asset Management. Maurice is sinds 2019 Hoofd van Portfolio Design en verantwoordelijk voor strategisch beleggingsadvies aan pensioenfondsen, verzekeraars en bedrijven. In 2000 startte Kraaijenbrink bij ABN Amro Bank en bekleedde hij er diverse functies, sinds 2004 op het vakgebied van LDI en fiduciair management. Hij was verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van LDI portefeuilles en het geven van strategisch advies op balansniveau.
  6. Natalie Howard

    Natalie Howard

    Head of Real Estate Debt, Schroders Investment Management

    Natalie Howard is Head of Real Estate Debt bij Schroders Investment Management. Ze is werkzaam geweest in verschillende segmenten van de kapitaalstructuur van diverse vastgoedcategorieën, zowel aan de verkoopzijde als aan de aankoopzijde. Voordat Howard bij Schroders in dienst trad, bekleedde zij leidinggevende posities bij DRC Capital, AgFe, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Charterhouse Bank en Paribas.
  7. Neal Hegeman

    Neal Hegeman

    Head Investment Strategy & Research, a.s.r.

    Neal Hegeman is Head Investment Strategy & Research bij a.s.r. Na het afronden van zijn wiskundestudie aan de Universiteit Utrecht in 2000, begon Hegeman zijn carrière bij ABN AMRO Bank, bij het onderdeel dat in 2007 door RBS werd overgenomen. Hier werkte hij in verschillende functies, waaronder als ALM-specialist voor pensioenfondsen en verzekeraars. Hij heeft ook ervaring als Lid van het bestuur en de beleggingscommissie van het RBS-pensioenfonds. In 2015 is Hegeman in dienst getreden bij a.s.r., waar hij verantwoordelijk is voor de beleggingsstrategie en research voor de interne verzekeringsentiteiten en externe klanten.
  8. Omar Benchekroune

    Omar Benchekroune

    Omar Benchekroune is an Executive Director in the European Insurance Strategy team of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM). He specialises in insurance portfolio construction, asset-liability management and risk management. Prior to joining GSAM in 2018, he led the insurance investment strategy practice in Continental Europe at BlackRock and prior to that he was an insurance and pension structurer at Nomura and RBS . He started his career in the Group Risk Management function at AXA. Benchekroune graduated with a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Technology of Compiegne.
  9. Pim Poppe

    Pim Poppe

    Managing Partner, Lead Consultant, Probability & Partners

    Pim Poppe is Risk Management Professional en heeft in 2014 Probability & Partners opgericht. Zijn belangrijkste aandachtgebied betreft het ondersteunen van besturen van banken, pensioenfondsen en verzekeraars met strategisch risk management en het inrichten van de risicobeheeringsorganisatie. Daarnaast heeft hij expertise op het gebied van ALM, kredietrisico, marktrisico, Basel, Solvency II, IORP II en modelrisicomanagement. Eerder was Poppe verantwoordelijk voor Group Risk Management bij SNS REAAL (2004-2013) en Group Risk Management bij Robeco (1996-2004).
  10. Qian Zhang

    Qian Zhang

    Senior Client Portfolio Manager, Pictet Asset Management

    Qian Zhang joined Pictet Asset Management in 2019. She is a Senior Client Portfolio Manager for the Fixed Income Emerging Market Corporate and Greater China Debt team. Before joining Pictet, she was a Client Portfolio Manager in J.P. Morgan Asset Management Global Fixed Income team and Emerging Markets Debt team, based in both London and Hong Kong. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Zhang worked for Merrill Lynch. Zhang obtained a B.A. in Economics and Statistics from Peking University, Beijing, China and an M.Sc. in Mathematical Risk Management from Georgia State University, U.S. She is a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder.
  11. Raymond de Kuiper

    Raymond de Kuiper

    Client Solutions Manager

    Raymond de Kuiper is sinds september 2022 Client Solutions Manager Netherlands bij BNP Paribas Asset Management. Ín die rol is hij verantwoordelijk voor het leveren een range van solutions, van multi asset private solutions en insurance tot LDI, overlay and fiduciary management alsmede het adviseren van cliënten hierover. Hiervoor was hij Chief Investment Officer van ACTIAM. De Kuiper is zijn loopbaan begonnen bij JP Morgan (Investment Banking) in Londen, om vervolgens bij Aon Hewitt de risk en investement advies tak te leiden. Hij heeft een Msc in Financial Management aan de Universiteit Nyenrode.