Speakers at Climate Summit

Climate Summit

  1. Amelia Tan

    Amelia Tan

    Head of Responsible Investment Strategy, Investments, LGIM

    Amelia Tan is responsible for LGIM’s Responsible Investment strategy across LGIM’s Investments team. She is focused on integrating the Responsible Investment process across the Investments team and innovation in product solutions. Tan joined LGIM in 2022 after 10 years at BlackRock. At BlackRock, she led the delivery of sustainability propositions in EMEA including product strategy, platform governance and commercialisation, with a particular focus on active sustainable portfolios across the investment platform. She also held previous roles in product strategy and development. Prior to BlackRock, she was at Citibank for 6 years focused on wealth management products and distribution. Tan earned an MBA from Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in 2011 and a BBA (Honours) from National University of Singapore in 2002.
  2. Angélique Laskewitz

    Angélique Laskewitz

    Executive Director, VBDO

    Angélique Laskewitz is Executive Director of VBDO, the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development. She held various roles in Change Management, Human Recources and governance-related management and consulting roles at financial services providers such as RVS, AMEV, Fortis Bank Netherlands, BNP Paribas Fortis and ASR Netherlands. As a sideline she started her own consultancy practice Angélique Laskewitz Management & Consultancy (ALMC).
  3. Annemieke Coldeweijer

    Annemieke Coldeweijer

    Co-Lead Portfolio Manager, Investment Grade Credit team, NN Investment Partners

    Annemieke Coldeweijer is Co-Lead Portfolio Manager of the sustainable credit strategy within the Investment Grade Credit team of NN Investment Partners (NNIP). In her role she is responsible for ESG integration, positive selection and exclusion within the ESG integrated and sustainable credit strategies. She is closely involved in responsible investment developments within NNIP. With over 15 years of experience in Fixed Income, Coldeweijer has been actively managing portfolios in various asset classes including European Securitisation and Emerging Markets Corporate Debt.
  4. Arij van Berkel

    Arij van Berkel

    Senior Vice President, Lux Research

    Dr. Ir. Arij van Berkel is Senior Vice President bij Lux Research waar hij het energietransitieteam leidt. Tot 2015 werkte hij bij TNO, uiteindelijk als Innovatiedirecteur Chemie, in nauwe samenwerking met de Europese Commissie, voor innovatie en transitie van de chemische industrie. Daarvoor onderzocht hij bij Shell procesveiligheid. Van Berkel heeft Werktuigbouwkunde gestudeerd aan de Universiteit Twente en is gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit Eindhoven.
  5. Bart van de Laar

    Bart van de Laar


    Bart van de Laar is Manager, Client Relations at Sustainalytics. In his role he supports and advises asset managers, asset owners and financial institution in the Benelux region with respect to identifying, understanding and managing ESG-related risks and opportunities. Previously, Van de Laar was Manager of Partnerships at impact organization Circle Economy, Secretary at Chapter Zero Netherlands and Vice President at Intertrust, He holds a master’s degree in Law from Tilburg University and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Avans University.
  6. Bouke Evers

    Bouke Evers

    Associate Partner, Lead Sustainable Finance taskforce for Consulting, EY NL

    Bouke Evers (Associate partner EY) is leading the EY NL Sustainable Finance taskforce for Consulting (covering banking, insurance, wealth and asset management and pension funds), and is part of the EY EMEIA Sustainable Finance taskforce. In this role he is advising financial institutions with respect to their sustainability/ESG transition. Evers has a Masters degree in Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences, and is a qualified Actuary, with a passion for Sustainability and nature.
  7. Daan Spaargaren

    Daan Spaargaren

    Responsible Investment Strategist, PME

    Daan Spaargaren is Strategist Responsible Investment at PME Pensioenfonds since May 2019. In his role, he strives to strengthen responsible investment at PME with a strong focus on stewardship as well as engagement with the participants of PME. From 2008 to 2013, Spaargaren worked as Responsible Investment Advisor at ESG-rating provider Sustainalytics before joining Eumedion, the Dutch representative of institutional investors in the field of corporate governance and sustainability.
  8. Daan Van Acker

    Daan Van Acker

    Senior Analyst, InfluenceMap

    Daan Van Acker is a Senior Analyst at InfluenceMap. He leads on the climate think tank’s quantitative analysis of financial institutions' business activities, including research on the portfolio Paris alignment of the world’s largest asset managers. Before joining InfluenceMap, Van Acker earned a MSc in Management at LSE and a MSc in Mechanical Engineering at KU Leuven. His experiences in the fields of renewable energy, investment management, and sustainable finance drive his fascination for the intersection of finance and climate change.
  9. Erik Christiansen

    Erik Christiansen

    ESG and Low Carbon Investment Specialist, Scientific Beta

    Erik Christiansen is an ESG and Low Carbon Investment Specialist with Scientific Beta. He was previously Head of Investment Strategy with the Etablissement de Retraite Additionnelle de la Fonction Publique (ERAFP), the mandatory pension scheme for French civil servants, where he was responsible for implementing the equity and ESG strategies. He has also previously worked as a Methodology Coordinator and Analyst at V.E, the ESG rating agency. Erik holds a Master's degree in Management from the ESCP Business School and is a CFA charterholder.
  10. Evalinde Eelens

    Evalinde Eelens

    Onafhankelijk Beleggingsdeskundige, Ravenna Consulting

    Evalinde Eelens is Onafhankelijk Beleggingsdeskundige en richtte in 2018 Ravenna Consulting op. Zij adviseert over beleggingen, vermogensbeheer, financieel risicomanagement, pensioenfondsbeheer en duurzaam beleggen. Eelens werd in 2018 Bestuurslid bij BPF Particuliere Beveiliging en BPF Schilders en in 2019 bij Pensioenfonds PostNL. Sinds januari 2023 is zij Lid van de beleggingscommissie van het Getronics UK Pension Plan in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
  11. Graeme Sharpe

    Graeme Sharpe

    Senior Manager ESG and Sustainable Investing, ABN AMRO

    Graeme Sharpe is part of ABN AMRO’s Global ESG and Sustainable Investing team. He joined ABN AMRO in 2022 and is responsible for developing and implementing the bank’s climate change strategy across client investment propositions. Prior to joining ABN AMRO, Graeme was Responsible Investing Lead for Aegon Nederland, where he developed Aegon’s approach to sustainable investing and climate change. Sharpe has been working in the investment industry for 11 years, previously at Aegon Asset Management, Kames Capital and Hymans Robertson. Sharpe obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Glasgow.
  12. Jack Julicher

    Jack Julicher

    Bestuurslid NAB

    Jack Julicher is treasurer of NAB on impact investing, interim chair of the financial sector Dutch climate commitment, and supervisory board member of Meijers Assurantiën. Previously, he was Chief Executive Officer of a.s.r. vermogensbeheer and Chief Investment Officer of a.s.r. Nederland. Julicher has more than 30 years of experience in the financial sector. Before joining a.s.r. vermogensbeheer in 2003, he worked at the Ministry of Finance, the Nationale Investeringsbank and Stad Rotterdam Verzekeringen/ASR Bank. Julicher studied macroeconomics and finance at Tilburg University and the IMF Institute.
  13. Jelena Stamenkova van Rumpt

    Jelena Stamenkova van Rumpt

    Director of Responsible Investment, Anthos Fund & Asset Management

    Jelena Stamenkova van Rumpt is Director of Responsible Investment at Anthos Fund & Asset Management in Amsterdam. In addition, she is member of the Advisory board of Net Impact in Amsterdam. At Anthos, she leads the RI strategy and is responsible for further development of the fully integrated approach to RI and Impact. Before Anthos, Stamenkova van Rumpt worked at PGGM and was responsible for the Human Rights and labour issues engagement program, and led the transition of responsible investment ownership from the RI team to the front office. She finished an LL.M in International Business Law and Globalization summa cum laude at Utrecht University.
  14. Jeroen van der Put

    Jeroen van der Put

    Professioneel Pensioenfondsbestuurder en Voorzitter van de beleggingscommissies van verschillende pensioenfondsen

    Jeroen van der Put is professioneel Pensioenfondsbestuurder en Voorzitter van de beleggingscommissies van verschillende pensioenfondsen, waaronder Centraal Beheer APF. Daarnaast adviseert hij beleggingsadviescommissies. Voorheen was Van der Put Directeur van MPD, PNO Media, PNO Zorg, Robeco België en IRIS, het beleggingsresearch- en publishinghuis van Rabobank en Robeco. Hij heeft Econometrie gestudeerd aan de Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam.
  15. Marco Rigo

    Marco Rigo

    Senior Quantitative Analyst Global Bonds team, Pictet Asset Management

    Marco Rigo joined Pictet Asset Management in 2007 and is a Senior Quantitative Analyst. Before joining Pictet, he worked for Avendis Capital, a Hedge Fund, where he headed the quantitative analysis team. Previously he worked for financial software companies building derivatives pricing and risk management tools. Rigo holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Geneva.
  16. Mariëtta Smid

    Mariëtta Smid

    Senior Manager Sustainability, ASN Impact Investors

    Mariëtta Smid is sinds 2008 als Senior Manager Duurzaamheid bij ASN Impact Investors verantwoordelijk voor het formuleren en bewaken van het duurzaamheidsbeleid en de ASN duurzaamheidscriteria. Vanuit deze rol is zij ook lid van de investeringscommissie die bedrijven voor de ASN beleggingsfondsen selecteert. Daarnaast is ze verantwoordelijk voor het actieve aandeelhouderschap van ASN Impact Investors. Voor ASN werkte ze als ESG-analist bij SNS Asset Management nadat ze als vermogensbeheerder en adviseur bij verschillende banken had gewerkt. Smid is Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA), heeft de postdoctorale opleiding Universalizing Socioeconomic Security for the Poor afgerond aan het Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) en heeft een Bachelor in Bedrijfseconomie.
  17. Mark van Baal

    Mark van Baal

    Founder & CEO, Follow This

    Mark van Baal richtte in 2015 Follow This op, een groep van meer dan 9.000 groene aandeelhouders in Big Oil. Hun missie is om aandeelhouders in staat te stellen olie- en gasconcerns zo ver te krijgen hun emissies terug te dringen in lijn met het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs. Van Baal studeerde Werktuigbouwkunde en was onder andere energiejournalist.
  18. Piet Klop

    Piet Klop

    Head of Responsible Investment, PGGM

    Piet Klop is Head of Responsible Investment at PGGM Investments. He develops PGGM’s ‘investing in solutions’ portfolio, including SDG impact measurement. He also manages a number of special projects including ESG integration. Before joining PGGM Investments in July 2011, Klop was at the World Resources Institute in Washington DC and held senior positions at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the private sector. As water expert he worked at the World Bank and United Nations. Klop holds master’s degrees in Water Resources Management from Wageningen University and Applied Environmental Economics from University of London.
  19. Siegfried Kok

    Siegfried Kok

    Senior Portfolio Manager Global Equity, OBAM Investment Management

    Siegfried Kok has been active as an investor for more than 23 years, first at Kempen where he was a Fund Manager European Equities, and then at ABN AMRO Asset Management where he was jointly responsible for the Transeurope Fund. For the past 10 years he has been active at OBAM as Senior Portfolio Manager of the global equity fund and also jointly responsible for the sustainability policy at OBAM. Kok holds a master's degree in International Financial Economics and earned his MBA degree from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.