About Lunch webinar discussion 'Climate Transition Credits'

Lunch webinar discussion 'Climate Transition Credits'

On Thursday afternoon 31th March, Financial Investigator hosted a lunch webinar discussion on 'Climate Transition Credits' from 12 to 1 PM.

Video webinar:


Tips voor het kijken:

  • Klik in het uitzendscherm rechtsonder op het symbool met de vier pijltjes om het uitzendscherm te vergroten.

Kees Verbaas, CIO of Altis Investment Management, moderated the discussion.

The following experts joined the panel and shared their views:

  • Thomas Chinery, Portfolio Manager Fixed Income, Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors
  • Paul van Gent, Independent Investment Consultant
  • Markus Schaen, Senior Fund Manager, MN


Registration is open to buy-side investment professionals, such as fund selectors and investment advisors working for pension funds, fiduciary managers, family offices, consultancy firms, banks, insurers and independent asset managers.



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